How Crystals Impact our Bodies
There's a lot of information out there about crystals that doesn't appeal to a person with a scientific mindset.
As a mechanical engineer, I can appreciate that. So here is the information that leads me to have confidence from that perspective. I leave it to you to Google the topics for further information.
First, crystals are known to be transducers.
When electricity is applied to quartz crystals, for instance, a precise vibration is produced. This is how clocks keep time these days, and it's why quartz is used in all kinds of electronic equipment.Second, biophysicists have found that cells in biological organisms behave like liquid crystals: in other words, cell walls have the flexibility of liquid but the orderly molecular structure of crystals. Further, it's been found that cell walls respond to electromagnetic fields of all kinds, including those originating outside the human body.
Third, we know about the principle of resonance from many scientific fields.
In simplified form, when two similar frequencies of vibration are in proximity to each other, they become a single resonant frequency that is more powerful (higher amplitude) than either one alone. Google the 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse for an extreme example.Fourth, our bodies have energetic systems including chakras, meridians, and nadis.
Energy healers know this because they often work with such systems. In the typical physical world, we can infer their existence because acupuncture is based on them, and health insurance companies cover acupuncture. Since health insurance only covers things they are sure have health benefits, there must be something to the foundational principles of the practice of acupuncture, and chakras, meridians and nadis must exist.Fifth, our bodies also have energetic layers that are electrical in nature, generally known as the etheric body.
The human aura makes up part of the etheric body. From a scientific standpoint, much of this concept remains theoretical, but intuitives and energy healers can see and/or sense its existence.
All these concepts come together to explain how crystals impact our bodies.
Electrical impulses from the etheric body come into contact with crystals that are placed on the physical body, producing specific vibrations according to the type of crystal used. Those vibrations directly impact our cells through the principle of resonance, bringing the physical body into closer alignment with the natural balance of its design, increasing healthy function.
So what about all that other information about the meanings of crystals and which crystals impact what aspects of our health and wellbeing? Well, there are many sources of that information, including traditional uses in both indigenous and highly developed cultures. Can we prove it scientifically? No, all we can do is experience it for ourselves with the guidance of someone you trust.